Radical Gifts

We are living in the midst of a turning point in the history of Christianity that is more radical than the Reformation period, perhaps as radical as the birth of Christianity itself. This emerging form of Christianity is so new that it does not seem to be Christianity at all to many people.

Such a topic deserves an elaborate book, but this is a simple book written for you no matter who you are or what relationship you now have to a Christian practice.

The initial version of this book was self-published in 1984 under the title A Primer on Radical Christianity. In this 2018 publication, the author continues the effort to envision for the general reader the radical gifts of the Christian revelation for the tasks of realistic living in our contemporary settings. This current book contains some updating, yet the same core challenges for Christianity have endured.


We are in a time in history when transformation is happening. Radical Gifts offers insights into our history and our future, which will allow our human spirit to continue to thrive in harmony with the radical reality we are living.
– Leroy Philbrook

The journey orchestrated by Gene Marshall is not abstract, intellectual, or lost in scholarly clouds. Rather, this deeply personal journey produces an intensity of living born of the encounter with absolute fear and ultimate fascination. You will not escape Radical Gifts unchallenged or unchanged
– Michael D. May, Interior Mythos Journey


1. What is Spirit?
2. What is Spirit Sickness and How is it Healed?
3. What does Spirit Health Include?
4. What Reality in Human Experience Do we point to with the Word, “God”?
5. What Does All This Have To Do with Jesus Christ?
6. What is Commitment to God, to Christ, to Holy Spirit?
7. What Consequences Does this Commitment Have for Ethical Thinking?
8. What Will Be the Coming Social Shape of the Community of the Committed?
Appendix A: Prayer and the House Church Meeting
Appendix B: Reality, God, and Liturgical Language
Appendix C: Immortality, Reincarnation, and the Spirit Self
Appendix D: A Chapter 7 Update on the Commitment to Ethical Thinking
Appendix E: A Chapter 8 Update on the Community of the Committed

A 10-session study guide for this book can be found on the Realistic Living blog site >

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