About Us

About Realistic Living and Gene Marshall

geneheadshotnewRealistic Living is a 501-C-3 nonprofit organization incorporated in the state of Texas, USA in 1984.

The three-person faculty of Realistic living hosts programs; reviews books and movies; publishes articles and manuals on ethics, spirit methods, and religious topics; publishes a journal twice a year: and manages a facebook site managed by Alan Richard.  This blog is associated with Realistic Living and is managed by Gene Marshall.

The home site of Realistic living can be accessed by clicking home on this and other pages.

Joyce Marshall  writes most of our reviews of books and movies and has put hundreds of those reviews up on Amazon.com . When Joyce and Gene founded Realistic Living they were already accomplished teachers of religion and ethics.  In the last 30 years they have written many booklets, full-length books, journals, newsletters, and notebooks on small group nurture. The Marshalls are also social activists: organizers of the bioregional movement; playwright/directors of a local community method called Ecotheater; trainers in local community leadership methods; and do continuing research on feminism, ecology, economics, education, interreligious dialogue, Christian renewal and other causes.

Gene brings to this faculty an education in mathematics, physics, and theology. Joyce brings her teaching experience and university training in music and education with a deep passion for literature and feminine values.  Alan brings a doctors degree in religion and fresh energy much employed in our outreach relations.   All three have done advanced studies in Christian theology, non-Christian religions, history, the philosophy of social change, psychology, male/female relations, ecology, economics, political strategy, and  methods for small group religious nurture.   See our home site for more details on our work and faculty.

The Marshalls live in the woods on the Red River Flats of North Texas in a straw-bale house which they designed and participated in building. This home is both their residence and a meeting place for the activities of Realistic Living.

See photo gallery of the straw-bale house.

3 thoughts on “About Us

  1. Pingback: Kristal Marshall
  2. Interesting facts…
    Could u please send me a copy of Spong’s essay “Beyond Tribal Religion to the God of the Bible” by mail.
    Thank u…

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