a Commentary on the Gospel of Mark
This 115 page 8 1/2 X 11 inch book is about redefining the foundations of Christianity and a future for Christianity. This is done through a detailed probe of the first written New Testament Gospel. Mark is an amazingly creative- trickster of spirit parables and the inventor of a then new literary form that came to be called a “Gospel” (Good News).
We know that our New Testament begins with four Gospels, but most members of this heritage do not realize how much that makes Mark the Creator of what came to be called “Christianity.” Yes, Jesus, Peter, Paul and others, including a great number of women (largely invisible to history) preceded Mark in the emergence of this new religion. But Mark set the mold for our thinking and practice about being Christian.
This commentary is not a scholarly book in the scientific and literary sense, but a decoding of Mark’s simple first century Mediterranean talk into the existential language now spoken by 21st century poets and aware spirit-level writers.